Friday, May 22, 2020

The Cuban Missile Crisis ( Cmc ) - 1435 Words

The Cuban Missile Crisis (CMC) was a 13 day standoff between the Soviet Union and the United States (U.S) regarding nuclear bases being built in Cuba. The politically charged conflict occurred on the October 14th, 1962 and almost resorted in nuclear war. The Crisis remains as an example of one of the most terrifying events to occur within history. It was an extreme threat for those of society, which existed for 13 long and endless days. If the Crisis hadn’t been adverted, countries would be annihilated and it would have caused unthinkable damage due to the use of the nuclear weapons by both the United States and the Soviet Union. The conflict could have potentially created history in the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union, as well as in the history of relations between the United States and Cuba. The struggle with the United States and Cuba contributed to the pre-existing and increasing pressure between the U.S. and the Soviet’s. Each country was struggling to solidify its power as not just a superpower, but the biggest superpower compared to anyone else in the world. Meaning, it would gain such superficial control and therefore change the world, as many comprehend it today. Thus, as a consequence, one of the most frightening events in the history of the world, even today, arose and politicians still use it in modern times as a prime example to prevent any possible errors that might once again intensify to create an event of such severity.Show MoreRelatedThe Cuban Missile Crisis1149 Words   |  5 Pagescausing a civil war. Both the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War illustrate the United States attempt to combat communism. The Cuban Missile Crisis in the prevention of a nuclear war. Whereas the Vietnam War ultimately curtailed the spread of communism. 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