Saturday, December 7, 2019

ICT Related Ethical Issue for Greek Micro Data- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theICT Related Ethical Issue for Greek Micro Data. Answer: Introduction Computers and communication technology have made a major impact in every sphere of life. Ethics is defined as what would be good for an individual and society. It establishes the duties of the people. Technological invention has their own positive and negative impacts towards the society. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) help in providing easy and efficient means to store and retrieve information (Arvanitis, Loukis Diamantopoulou, 2013). They also suffer from copyrighted materials or piracy, data, software, music, video at a larger scale. The major issues that surround the applications of ICT are ownership, privacy, professionalism, values, responsibility and social implications. In order to address the issues related to ICT, it is necessary to inspect the legal and ethical aspects of ICT (Stahl, Eden Jirotka, 2013). Case Study of Verizon Enterprise In 2017, it was reported that the data of Verizon Enterprise from 6 million users had been leaked. The names, phone numbers and addresses of several customers of the enterprise had been exposed on the online platform. It was reported that the data breach was done by one of the vendors of the company. Verizon in his statement had reported that the important data of 6 million customers were available publicly. The error in the system due to the data breach had made the phone numbers of the customers, names and some PIN codes to be available publicly. This was done by an employee of Nice Systems who had put the information into the area of cloud storage and had permitted external access to the information (Gillman et al., 2015). The security firm had analyzed that a sample of data and came to a conclusion that some of the PIN codes were hidden but most of the other data was visible next to the phone numbers of the customers. According to a cyber-resilience analyst, he reported that the exposed PIN codes is a matter of high concern. The exposed PIN codes can allow hackers to gain unauthorized access to the privacy of the phone of an individual. After gaining access to the phone, if they are able to convince a customer service agent, they could be the account holder of the phone. Based on the recent attack on the Verizon Enterprise, it was highly recommended by the security firm that the customers of Verizon should update their PIN codes as to protect the information (Romanosky, Hoffman Acquisti, 2014). Analysis of the Classical Ethical Theory Based on the Case Study The case of the Verizon Enterprise can be analyzed on the basis of the four classical theories of ethics. The four ethical theories includes utilitarianism, deontology, virtue and social contract (Stahl et al., 2014). Utilitarianism: This is a moral theory that places the focus on the right or wrong decisions. Based on the utilitarian approach, it could be implied that no such moral act is right or wrong. In fact, the wrongness or rightness of an act would be dependent on the non-moral good acts that are produced in the consequences. Based on the data breach of the Verizon, the utilitarianism theory can provide an answer to a practical question that what should be done by the enterprise in such situations. The answer would determine his act to produce the best consequences (Craft, 2013). Deontology: This kind of moral theory is able to place an emphasis on the relation between morality and duty of the actions of humans. In this kind of theory in ethics, a particular action is considered to be morally good due to the characteristic of the action itself rather than determining whether the product of the action is good. This kind of theory is based on the moral decision making and view of the people (Al-Aidaros, Shamsudin Idris, 2013). Based on the deontology theory, the Verizon Enterprise can determine the course of actions which need to be followed by making the right decisions. They should be able to distinguish the right acts from the wrong. This theory is easy to apply as it requires the people of the enterprise to follow the rules and thus perform their duty. Virtue: This theory in ethics is a broad term based on the theories. This theory highlights the role of virtue and character in the moral philosophy rather than determining the duty of an individual or acting to bring good concerns. The theory does not provide guidance of the act of an individual as there are no such clear principles. The theories of virtue in ethics can provide a self-centered conception of ethics (Crossan, Mazutis Seijts, 2013). The Ethical Theories of virtue highlights the fact that the ethical value of an individual could be determined with their character. The character is often referred to the virtues, intentions and inclinations that impose a person to act in an ethical manner. These kind of ethics can help in the case study of Verizon Enterprise. This theory in ethics can determine the self-regulation, truthfulness, honesty of the employees of the workplace. Social Contract: This kind of theory is a moral system that could come into being by virtue of some agreements between individuals and organizations. According to the definition of this theory, each individual or organization has the freedom to act in certain ways in such a way that it could satisfy their own natural desires and to avoid dislike situations. The theory of social contract suggests that different individuals and organizations should reside together in a society (Mansell, 2015). This should be in accordance with an agreement, which could establish political and moral rules of behavior. Social contract theories can help in providing various accounts of the nature of humans and social processes that can conflict with the shape, compliance and cooperation. The ideas related to this theory can be applicable to the challenges that are faced by the existing administration of the public. A deep consideration of the theory of social contract can be helpful in yielding a sense of realism. The social contract theory cannot be applicable to the particular case study related to the data breach in the Verizon Enterprise. Conclusion Based on the case study of Verizon Enterprise, it could be concluded that the data breach is an important area of concern. Data breaches can lead to serious issues for the company and their customers who trust and depend on the enterprise. It could be highly recommendable that the security aspects related to the Verizon Enterprise should be taken into consideration. The data should be highly encrypted. Ethics in ICT should be concerned with the analysis of individual intentional action. The standard topics of ethics in ICT such as invasion in privacy, misuse of personal data lead them to such analysis. However a different set of issues could exist which could be of greater importance and could play a great role in ICT for globalization. Every developments in the field of technology are a need for the betterment of the society and could help in the upliftment of the society (Wakunuma Stahl, 2014). References Al-Aidaros, A. H., Shamsudin, F. M., Idris, K. M. (2013). Ethics and ethical theories from an Islamic perspective.International Journal of Islamic Thought,4, 1. Arvanitis, S., Loukis, E., Diamantopoulou, V. (2013). Are ICT, workplace organization and human capital relevant for innovation? A comparative study based on Swiss and Greek micro data. Craft, J. L. (2013). A review of the empirical ethical decision-making literature: 20042011.Journal of business ethics,117(2), 221-259. 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